i was on some sort of talk show or something, and i got into a discussion with halo16 about death. i didn't know what to make of it. i started crying, and he came over and gave me a hug, and i saw tears in his eyes too. i told him it was alright, and we ended up agreeing about whatever we had been disussing about death. something about this though, i have no idea what he looks like, i've never met him or never talked to him at all. for whatever reason, my subconcious chose him to have that debate with. i don't get it. and why the subject of death was used...i don't know. one of his friends just committed suicide, and i can imagine right now death isn't the best thing for him to be thinking about. i just feel kinda bad for him, not in the pity kind of way, but the sympathetic i'm sorry for your loss and i'll be here for you if you need me kind of way. i reached out to him in my dreams instead of real life.