Well this dream started when I was around 12 and at that time I was terrified of dolls. When I went to sleep one night, I remember "waking up" in my bed. I suddenly got out of the bed and walked to my parents room. I saw my sister and mother face down in the bed together and they were covered in blue and red darts. There was no blood to be found and I started to shake mom and ask if she is alright. I got no response so I immediately ran through the house and wound up in my sisters bedroom. My dad was laying face down in my sisters bed and was covered with red darts. Suddenly it was as if a skeleton was laying right beside my dad and he got up and was getting out of the bed. I got really scared and hid underneath my desk and pulled the chair in front of me to help conceal me. I saw him walking past the desk and saying "I'm going to find you". Then I suddenly woke up and I didn't go back to bed until it was light outside. Well I never had this dream again until I was 16 (I am 17 right now). I went to sleep and found myself right behind the same chair, exactly where I left off in my dream! I then felt to mad and frustrated that I kicked the chair out of my way and the skeleton looked at me and I swung and hit his face. The skeleton literally fell to pieces and I saw my mom and dad and sis wondering what was all the racket about. I told them a skeleton killed them but they didn't believe me. I then woke up and from that point on I enjoyed nightmares. I don't know if it was to break me of all my fears but it did something to me and that something was to never let fear control you.