I guess that..my karma or something felt sorry for my craptastic evening last night (and the muscles I pulled in my legs..I'm so not a contortionist) and blessed me with good dreams.
There is this 40 year old married man (two kids. *sigh*) that I have this crush on. He's perfect. Perfect. Perfect. But he's married, 40 and has kids. He's still good to look at, though.
Anyways, in my dream last night..and this is a dream I will NEVER forget we were at this bar after a gig and they were playing music. He grabs my hand and says lets dance. I can't dance.
He says he'll teach me and suddenly I'm learning how to waltz and he's whispering one-two-three, one-two-three in my ear and it's the sexiest thing I've heard in forever.
I close my eyes but can feel the room spinning around me, one-two-three, one-two-three.
I'm not sure what I thought was happening. Even in my dream, I knew he was married. We stop waltzing and just sway to the music, kinda like slow-dancing grade seven style, and after a moment I pull back so I can look him in the eye. I'm trying to figure him out.
He leans in so his face is right in front of mine and I can't handle the intensity of his glaze so I look away. His face is so close to mine that as I turn my head, our lips brush. I'm not sure if that was intentional or an accident, so I turn my face again, this time in the other direction and it happens again.
I start to feel kinda tingly and out-of-this-worldish. I'm not sure what the deal is. He knows what the deal is and he kisses me. In front of everybody there. People that know his wife are there.
I pull back laughing and he whispers in my ear "I want to fuck you, lets go." I laugh more.
He drags me over to get our stuff and he says, oh, not just that, I want to do lots of sweet things with you like talk and make music and eat indian food, lets go!
So I try to leave with him but EC won't let me. She makes me go with her, so he follows us in his car. Aparently we have palm pilots and he's messaging me about things while we drive.
We finally get to where we are going and get out and he asks straight up what the deal is. I hem and haw, but it's just a front.
We go in and eat indian food, make music and eventually I let him undress me and well...the rest, as they say, is history.
Suffice it to say it made up for all the craptastic confusion currently going on in my system though HOW I'm supposed to look this guy in the eyes next time I see him is entirely beyond me.