The dream took place at the house I'm living in now. The people I live with now were in it. I came home from work and one of them said Kel, there is a guy in your room, he says he knows you.
I don't know any guys, I tell him. But another one of them says that yeah, he's there.
I go down and it's this guy that I aparently know off the internet. He is familiar but not familiar. Very well built. Blondish brown hair, kinda long and wavy. Pretty attractive but his eyes were to close together for my liking.
He gave me a hug and started talking to me about how he needed somebody to lean on and look after him for a while and that he needed somebody to look after as well so he thought he'd stop by.
I said something stupid like "Well, I noticed you weren't online for a couple of days.." and he said "Yeah, I was driving up here."
I think I mulled that over for a minute, and then went on with my day as if people showing up like that was totally normal.
At this point, I noticed my room was exactly like my Real Bedroom but longer and a second bed was in the corner near the door and I didn't have the mini bar fridge.
I went upstairs to make us dinner and the guys I live with were in the kitchen, as were my grandparents who I stoically ignored.
They eventually left.
This boy who was in my dream came upstairs and opened the fridge, he'd already made us spagetti. He also opened the freezer and got me out an orange popsickle which he wouldn't give to me unless I told him the name of it. And then he wouldn't give it to me until I licked it.
It was a good popsickle.
Then it was time for bed, I went downstairs and talked to some people on ICQ about Utopia, a game I don't even play anymore and told some people that this guy was at my house.
As I was doing this, he took off his shirt and I noticed that he had this..wide silver band on the top of his arm. And he had a ring that matched it, and a toe ring..they were all wide, silver bands.
I logged off the 'net and went to get ready for bed but he was IN my bed.
I said, I've got 2 beds in here, that one's mine. I've got 2 guest rooms also, you can sleep where you want.
He was like, no, I'll sleep here.
I was like..uh, okay. So I went to get more blankets from the guest room so I could kip out on the second bed, and I did. I came back and went to get my Good Pillow off of the bed he was sleeping in and he wouldn't give it to me. He said, no, you stay here too, I need somebody to hold on to.
So I got up and started to put my pajamas on. Aparently I'm just totally unhibited in dreams and had no problems stripping my overalls off in front of this guy. He looked up and said "Hold on a second." and came over to me, but I already had my PJ pants on. He stood way to close to me, right in my face so I reached up, stroked his cheek and for some reason, went to kiss him on his lips, but he tensed up, so I just kissed him on the cheek and headed over for the bed. He got in first, and I was about to get in behind him when my alarm went off IRL and woke me up.