Everyone from my family was in this dream but I wasn't nessecarily related to them. We lived on this...this forest that was 6 acres big. I know this because it was *so* the 6 acres that used to be attached to our house at 16 George Street...
It was full of rustic log cabins and these decrepit sheds and aparantly my name was Racheal. It was this time, aka the year 2001, but for some reason we were living this backwards life.
We had modern implements, like a shower and stuff, but it was in this falling down shed and the windows had no curtains. So half the day the guys were allowed to be on that half of the camp and have showers and stuff and the girls had to remain on the other half of the camp. Then in the afternoon we'd switch.
Except it turned out that everytime I had a shower, the guys would sneak onto our half of the camp, including the adult males which were supposed to stop the younger ones from doing it.
Somehow I found out, but the punishments for telling on people were harsh and nobody would beleeve me anyways, so I started showering in my bathing suit or my underware.
The girls knew the boys were spying on me and a few of them also, but this one girl NEVER was spied on and we couldn't figure out why. Instead of being HAPPY about this like I would be, she was so angry! She wanted the guys to watch her shower so in her anger, she told on us for showering in our underware or bathing suits.
For some reason, we got in trouble for this, and I was sent away to the land of Technology to live with my dad.
The rest of the dream is fragmenty..it involves my dad coming to pick me up and going to live with him..and then my mom decides she wants to be with my dad again and comes out of the woods and we live together again. My sister, Amy, is back too and is a famous model.