My family was on trial for murder. Mainly my mom and dad. People accused us of killing four girls that we did not kill.
The day of the trial arrived and the dream started with us pulling up in the drive way of this massive mansion that was our house. I was riding shot gun. I opened the door before the van had stopped moving for some reason and it was a good thing I did.
A black and white furry animal came running out of nowhere and collapsed in front of the tire. I yelled at my dad to stop and he did. IT WAS PATCHES!!
Her fur was faded and dusty and her eyes looked like they had cataracts because a milky white film has covering them BUT IT WAS HER! I reached down and scratched her head and she made that Patches Meow that nobody else makes.
The thing is, Patches died over the summer and we actually had to have her put down so there was no way she could have been burried alive.
My dad was freaked and grabbed this metal stick with a poker on the end, almost like what you'd use on a fire place, but instead of a solid metal handle, it was 3 peeces of metal joined at 2 ends, but separate in the middle.
He tried to hit her but she ran away! I ran over to get her and told my dad that maybe we HAD burried her alive and it took this long for her to get herself out. I looked across the drive way and her grave was dug up and there was a shovel there.
I ran over to check it out. The shovel had an orange handle and shovel part. Underneath the shovel was a note that read:
"Reincarnation of Patches, 600 000 electire" in type and then written below was: